So you have a card shop?

But do you have the time to do everything your customers need, run your business- and put interesting content on your social media platforms that brings more people into your shop?

If you said NO…

How does 20+ video posts a month across your social media platforms sound?

Once a week these 4 types of posts will appear on your pages.


New Releases

For every new major card release, we'll produce a video showcasing the product and why a collector should buy it. We'll highlight key players, potential big hits or differences in a product from past years. If relevant, we'll highlight why a hobby box is a better buy than retail products.

Best of all, these new release videos are customized for your shop. If you aren't ordering a product or receive a small allocation of it, you have the ability to pick what releases we highlight on your channels.

Show Stoppers

You want people stopping by your shop- and you want them to stop and look at what you post. These videos are meant to inspire a collection- and to have your customers hit that share button…and bring some new faces into your shop.

Collecting Tips

Your customer base ranges from those that will buy every release of every high-end product, to customers that grab a few singles each time they stop by.

These “Collecting Tips” videos will provide ideas for new, unique or different ways for your customers to collect, giving them a new reason to stop by the shop.

There will be something new every week including things like: how to safely store cards, load cards, organizing challenges, collecting with iconic photos, patches, players in the news and much more!


Our producers cut their teeth producing video content that has appeared on college and pro sports jumbotrons, entertaining millions of sports fans.

We bring that interactive experience to your social media page through fun games for the viewer to play along, including trivia, “fact or fiction” and “this or that”.

How much do you pay?